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Pharmaceuticals For Oral Solid Dosage - Tablet
- Wet Powder Granulation and Formulation for tabletting.
- Dry Powder Compaction Granulation and Formulation for tabletting.
- Single process granulating.
- Pellets and Granules Coating.
- Tablet Compression.
- Tablet Coating- Film & Sugar.

Pharmaceutical • For nrn1 Liauid CVnUJ Manufacturing
- Liquid Syrup manufacturing Plant.
- Liquid - Powder mixing.
- Liquid Syrup Homogenizing Mixing.
- Liquid Syrup Particle size reduction.
- Liquid Syrup Stirrer Mixing.
- Liquid Syrup Filtration.
Pharmaceuticals: For Ointment/Cream Manufacturing
- Ointment/Cream Manufacturing Plant.
- Vacuum Mixer.
- Planetary mixing.
- Ointment/Cream Homogenizing Mixing.
- Ointment/Cream Vacuumize mixing.
- Ointment/Cream Particle size reduction.

Pharmaceuticals For Oral Solid Dosage - Capsule
- Dry Powder mixing, grading, blending for Capsule.
- Pellet making- Extruding and Spherodizing.
- Pellet Coating.
- Capsule filling and sealing.
- Wet Powder Granulation and Formulation.
- Dry Powder Granulation and Formulation.

- Dry Powder Mixing, Blending, Milling and Grading.
- Wet Powder Mixing, Drying, Milling, Grading and Blending.
- Dry Powder compaction and granulating.
- Pellets making by Dough mixing, Extruding, Spherodizing, Drying.
- Solid liquid separation- Centrifuge.
- Liquid Homogenizing Mixing and stirrer.
- Liquid Particle size reduction by high shear dispo homogenizer and colloid mill.
- Liquid Filtration.
- Liquid Stirrer Mixing and vessel.
- Liquid Vacuumised mixing and gassing.
- Granulation, Tabletting and Coating.
- Fermentation Plant.
Ayurvedic & Herbals
- Churan Powder manufacturing- Desintrigetor.
- Making Extract from herbals.
- Solid liquid separation.
- Liquid Filtration.
- Fermentation Plant.
- Granulation, Tabletting and Coating.
- Liquid Syrup manufacturing Plant.
- Liquid Syrup Homogenizing Mixing.
- Liquid Syrup Particle size reduction.
- Liquid Syrup Stirrer Mixing.
- Liquid Syrup Filtration.
- Ointment/Cream/Tooth paste Manufacturing Plant.
- Vacuum Mixer.
- Roto Cone Mixer.
- Planetary mixing.
- For Ointment/Cream Homogenizing Mixing.
- For Ointment/Cream Particle size reduction.

Cosmetics: For Cream / Tooth Pate / Gel / Talcum Powder Manufacturing.
- Ointment/Cream/Tooth paste Manufacturing Plant.
- Vacuum Mixer.
- Planetary mixing.
- Ointment/Cream Homogenizing Mixing.
- Ointment/Cream Particle size reduction.
- Talcum Powder Manufacturing.
Foods, Salt and Dairy
- Dry Mixing, Grading, Milling, Blending of powder & Adding flavors.
- Wet Granulation and Formulation.
- Liquid/ Gel Manufacturing.
- Sugar Melting, Gum Melting.
- Liquid - Powder mixing.
- Liquid Homogenizing Mixing.
- Liquid Particle size reduction.
- Liquid Stirrer Mixing.
- Liquid Filtration.

Bakery and Biscuit
- Dry Mixing, Grading, Milling, Blending of Powder, Sugar and adding flavors.
- Wet Dough Mixing and Granulation.
- Dry Mixing, Grading, Milling, Blending of Powder, sugar and adding flavors.
- Wet Granulation and Formulation.
- Gems and Polo tablet Manufacturing.
- Gum Melting, Sugar Melting vessel/Mixer/Cooker.
- Gum, Gems & Mint Tablet Sugar Coating.
- Sugar melting and mixing coco, milk powder and flavors.
- Gel Manufacturing Plant.

Agro Chemicals, Chemicals
- Dry Powder Mixing, Blending, Milling and Grading.
- Wet Powder Mixing, Drying, Milling, Grading and Blending.
- Dry Powder compaction and granulating.
- Pellets making by Dough mixing, Extruding, Spherodizing, Drying.
- Solid liquid separation- Centrifuge.
- Liquid Homogenizing Mixing and stirrer.
- Liquid Particle size reduction by high shear dispo homogenizer and colloid mill.
- Liquid Filtration.
- Liquid Stirrer Mixing and vessel.
- Liquid Vacuum mixer.
- Granulation, Tabletting and Coating.
- Dry Powder Mixing, Blending, Milling and Grading.
- Dry Powder compaction and Granulating, Tabletting.
- Liquid Homogenizing Mixing and stirrer.

- Paint Homogenizing Mixing and stirrer.
- Liquid - Solid powder homogenize mixing.
- Paint particles grinding by Bead Mill.
- Paint Filtration.
Battery, Ceramics, Carbide, Silica and Catalyst
- Dry Powder Mixing, Blending, Milling and Grading.
- Wet Powder Mixing, Drying, Milling, Grading and Blending.
- Fine Powder Manufacturing Process- Ball Mill.
- Oil and Paint color/Dye Homogenizing mixing by colloid mill and stirrer.
- Liquid Particle size reduction by high shear dispo homogenizer and colloid mill.
- Liquid Stirrer Mixing and vessel.
- Granulation and Tablet-Ling.